Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's been forever and a day since I last made a post. I never have been a daily blogger and tend to write when the mood strikes me. Well, there has been nothing but lightning striking around my neck of the woods and I got a JOB so I pretty much haven't felt like doing anything but catching up on my sleep. I work nights, 6 weeks on, then 6 weeks off. During my 6 weeks off I have found myself trying to get back into a normal daily routine, which is tough. However, I have missed my bloggy, froggy friends as well as my fave tweeps, not to mention Anyhooo, I'm going to try to write more often and visit your blogs. I also will be adding/updating some links to some of my favorite sites. I look forward to chatting wirh you:) Lissa Signature Share Share/Bookmark