Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dear Bloggy,Froggy Friends & Followers,

It's been forever and a day since I made a post. My hope was that after all of the end of school year activities were over that I could get back to blogging on a regular basis. Well, we all know that quote about the road paved with good intentions. Needless to say, life, like baseball sometimes throws you a curve ball. At the present time I have limited computer and internet access. So please know that I have not forgotten you. I still appreciate you. I still manage to check my email every few days. SO, if you need prayers, healing vibes,to vent, to chat etc.. drop me a line. I will get back to you.Until then I'll be leaping into life and quite a few books:)

Peace, Love & Light


Snap said...

I've been wondering where you went to. Life interruptus ... a disease that strikes us all!