Monday, March 30, 2009

Find your Sit Spot.
Or Hang Ten

It's Spring Break


After writing, re-writing ,wrestling with a few gremlins and warding off some serenity thieves,
I finally decided to let go and go with the flow.What I gained from this book was something that I already knew. But just needed to be validated. I also needed a map with some specific directions. That was provided. The point is this:
The tools have been in my box all along. So why leave it locked in the garage?The keys are in my pocket. Unlock it and start setting my foundation. If I need help, ask for it. There are others who just might want to be on my creative crew. They might have something in their toolbox that I do not. We can share and work together to build something beautiful. Something magical. Something to set the world on fire. Together.
Watch out world, here I come. Here WE come.
The women of the 12 Secrets.